Friday, April 20, 2007

Everyday Jesus - 4.17.07

We’ve heard the saying that actions speak louder than words…the problem is that it's only true when the actions contradict the words.

With Jesus, we see that He taught some radical stuff and then lived it out perfectly. His teachings and actions were in perfect harmony.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jesus the Leader - 4.10.07

At the time of Jesus, there had been three main models of leadership to choose from and they all looked very similar.

1. There was Caesar who used military might to conquer people and turn them into slaves for his purposes.
2. There was Herod who also used military power and fear to dominate his people.
3. There was the Pharisees who used their influence and power that came from their position as religious leaders to coerce the people into following.

With these three models to choose from, Jesus did something completely different…He chose to lead from behind.

Video Version

Friday, April 6, 2007

Mimicking Jesus - 4.3.07

Jesus asked for men to follow Him and to try and be exactly like Him. Then, at the end of His time on earth, commanded His followers to then go and teach people how to be just like Him. So here's the question...what are we supposed to be like?

Video Version

Monday, April 2, 2007

Temptation - 3.27.07 (Revised)

A look at temptation and how it can affect our lives. Part 2 of 7.
Download the video version.

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